Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Facebook Family Album

Throughout this blogging experience I have discovered that most parents get Facebooks in order to keep in touch with their children's lives. It was very interesting to take a closer look into my families Social networking usage. The majority of teens with parents on Facebook are not necessarily found of it but it is more common now than it was two years ago. It makes me wonder what Facebook and other social networking sites will come to as my generation gets older. Will our children still be using Facebook as we do today? Hopefully family bonding does not further orient itself around social networking sites. And we print family pictures rather than post them.
This is a short video story of my friend Claire Flamnad elborating on her relationship with her family on social networking sites, specifically Facebook.

To Grandmother's profile we go!

This is a picture of my Grandmother's Facebook Profile from my iPhone. As you can see she rarely gets on Facebook and has not even completed her information. Her sole purpose on Facebook is to connect with family members. My Grandma has never posted a status/link/picture she only comments on her children and grandchildren's photos. In this way social networking has let her see what is going on in all of our lives even we live hours apart! Do you have a relative who uses Facebook in this way?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Facebook Family Reunion

This is a picture of my second cousins and I on my Father's Mothers's (my Grandma) side of the family. It was shared on Facebook and those of us who have Facebook were tagged in it after our Family Reunion. It was really exciting to be tagged in countless photos from my Family Reunion and share it with my Facebook friends. I have noticed as I have gotten older many family events I have attended such as, Thanksgiving and Christmas are posted on Facebook by one or more of my relatives. Have you noticed a change like this as you have gotten older? Will we eventually have less photos for frames and more on Facebook in the future?

To Facebook..or not to Facebook?

On twitter many people only follow celebrities and never tweet. In relation to Facebook some poeple get one just to see what their friends are posting and never post a single thing. My mother finally got a Facebook last year but yet she never post any statuses. She only gets on Facebook from time to time to look at what everyone else is posting about. Is it worthh having a Facebook or any other social networking site if this is your only reason to use it? These social networking site were created to help people connect and interact with one and other. Could this possibly be the future of many social networking site if this friend increases in various other social networking sites?

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Last year when I won a pageant my father posted a status about it, I was reluctant when he posted it and almost asked him to take it down. I now realize that I was being very rash and not to mention he is allowed to post whatever he wants on his facebook. Have your parents ever posted a status about you before? Have you gone as far as to unfriend them? My little sister has. She unfriended my dad on Facebook for jus that reason. When he found this out he was extrmely hurt. Why is it that we want freedom on these social networking sites and would go to such lengths to keep our parents away from it?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Social Networking with the FAM!

Many people of all ages have now entered the world of social networking, connecting them with friends and family members all across the globe.  Many adults have now joined Facebook, social networking site that has grown immensely over time and now attracts the older generation as well as the younger generation.  Many adults have now gotten Facebooks and are connected with long lost friends. This also connects them with their children, many children are friends with their family on Facebook, and some are not friends with their parents on Facebook. Now because of microblogging sites such as, Twitter, children tend to more frequently friend their parents on Facebook and not Twitter. Twitter is a site used for updating, everyone on what you are doing, how you are feeling, or complaining about that class you skipped which your parents would not be be too thrilled to hear about. Facebook when related towards family is more for showing photos from an event you have attended or updating everyone on big moments in your life.