Monday, November 12, 2012

To Facebook..or not to Facebook?

On twitter many people only follow celebrities and never tweet. In relation to Facebook some poeple get one just to see what their friends are posting and never post a single thing. My mother finally got a Facebook last year but yet she never post any statuses. She only gets on Facebook from time to time to look at what everyone else is posting about. Is it worthh having a Facebook or any other social networking site if this is your only reason to use it? These social networking site were created to help people connect and interact with one and other. Could this possibly be the future of many social networking site if this friend increases in various other social networking sites?

1 comment:

  1. My mom has a Facebook. I believe her only statuses were regarding me when I was in Japan in March 2011 and unable to communicate aside from the occasional phone call when the phones were open/available and I wasn't trying to figure out a way back to normal civilization.
